Your ideas are always in safe hands with us - whether you get a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or not. We can vouch for the complete security of your product or idea. We have everything under control and are very strict when it comes to file handling and our workflow. You probably don't do NDAs every day, so if there's anything you're unsure about, we're happy to take you by the hand and help you out. Our NDA is written by a professional lawyer and contains, among other things, a task description of what information we are not allowed to pass on and a sum of what it costs us as a company to break the NDA agreement. In short, a security document that safeguards your rights.
We know that a new idea or project must be protected under all circumstances. That's why all our employees, board members and investors work under full confidentiality in everything we do. Therefore, without an NDA agreement, you are already protected by entrusting us with your work. It's important for us to make this clear.
Access control
To secure all projects, we have ADK (access control) on all doors so we can log everyone in and out of production facilities in the safest way possible. Likewise, all used systems are supported by automatic deletion after 21 days of non-use. So you don't have to worry about the security of your projects during production.
Create your own NDA agreement
If you want to create an NDA yourself, that is also possible. Once it's done, simply send it to Please note, however, that you are responsible for the costs of our lawyers. You will, of course, receive an estimate first.
Order your NDA
If you want to fill out an NDA before contacting us, it can be done easily below. It costs DKK 1,999 and is made through Legal Desk. You can easily order your NDA by filling out the form. Once completed, you will receive more information about what happens in the next step of the process.
NDA form
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